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Home / OCN Gifts / SHE-SHAVE Shaving Gift Set - Carolina Peach

SHE-SHAVE Shaving Gift Set - Carolina Peach

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INDULGE HER with a handmade shave soap gift set !



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SHE-SHAVE Shaving Gift Set - Carolina Peach

SHE-SHAVES TOO! We now make our customer favorite shave soap in 2 fabulous scents with the ladies in mind. This gift set contains one (1) puck of our Carolina Peach scented shave soap, one (1) beautifully hand painted watercolor brushstrokes ceramic shaving dish and one (1) white handled badger hair shaving brush.

She will love this set for her personal shaving routine !! Just warm the bristles of the shaving brush in HOT water for a few minutes, then lather it up using a circular motion in the cup of soap. Our soap is handmade with organic shea butter, aloe juice, organic jojoba oil and beef tallow (yes! beef tallow! ..... the skin properties of tallow are truly amazing and what we believe, sets our shave soaps apart).

INGREDIENTS: Distilled water, *coconut oil, stearic acid, tallow, *shea butter, *vegetable glycerin, *aloe juice, *castor oil, potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, fragrance, sodium lactate, *jojoba oil and *Vitamin E oil.